XBRL approves publication of the XBRL GL 2006 Taxonomy as a Proposed Recommendation and issues a Call for Review


28 November 2006



The XBRL International Standards Board has approved the publication of the XBRL GL 2006 Taxonomy (dated 2006-10-25) as a Proposed Recommendation and issued a Call for Review of the taxonomy.


This is the final stage prior to the taxonomy becoming a full XBRL RECOMMENDATION.  A Proposed Recommendation is a mature Technical Work Product that has gone through a thorough review for technical soundness and capability of implementation.  The owning working group is proposing it for publication as an XBRL Recommendation.


The GL Taxonomy is intended to enable the efficient handling of financial and business information contained within an organisation.  It allows the representation of data found in charts of accounts, journal entries or historical transactions.  It enables the data to be gathered across disparate accounting systems, analysed and used efficiently and cost-effectively.


A description of the taxonomy is available at www.xbrl.org/GLTaxonomy/ and its files are at www.xbrl.org/GLFiles/.


Under the Call for Review, the review period will last a minimum of 45 days upto 15 January 2007.  The XBRL GL Working Group requests endorsement and support from XBRL Participants during this time.  An example of endorsement is testimonials as part of a press release.


If there are no substantive comments received during the review period which identify issues with the Proposed Recommendation, the XBRL GL WG will request publication of this work as an XBRL Recommendation.  Any comments on the XBRL GL 2006 Taxonomy Proposed Recommendation should be sent to xbrlgl@xbrl.org.



Announced by:

Peter Calvert

XBRL International


