Data Types Registry (CR)

2018-07-11 (Generated at 2018-07-24T18:49:39.521+01:00)

Name Status Description Requirement
domainItemType ACK The domain member item type indicates that an element is a domain member. Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture (ITA) initiative requirement for alignment of the EDINET, IFRS and US GAAP taxonomies.
escapedItemType REC escapedItemType specializes string. There is no constraint on whether the resulting unescaped content is well-formed or not; this base type exists so that processors know what to do with the content. It is a suitable base type for a data type whose unescaped content must be valid HTML 4.0 (which is not XML). Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture (ITA) initiative requirement for alignment of the EDINET, IFRS and US GAAP taxonomies.
xmlNodesItemType REC xmlNodesItemType specializes escapedItemType. The unescaped content MUST be a sequence of XML text and well-formed XML nodes. This content constraint cannot be captured by a finite length regular expression. Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture (ITA) initiative requirement for alignment of the EDINET, IFRS and US GAAP taxonomies.
xmlItemType REC xmlItemType specializes xmlNodesItemType. The unescaped content MUST be well-formed XML. This is a suitable base type for elements whose content must conform to a specific XML Schema or DTD. Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture (ITA) initiative requirement for alignment of the EDINET, IFRS and US GAAP taxonomies.
textBlockItemType REC textBlockItemType specializes xmlNodesItemType. The unescaped content MUST have mixed content containing a simple string, or a fragment of XHTML or a mixture of both. Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture (ITA) initiative requirement for alignment of the EDINET, IFRS and US GAAP taxonomies.
percentItemType REC The percent item type is used to indicate that the value of the element is intended to be presented as a percentage. This does not contravene Specification section 4.8.2, which requires that percentages not be multiplied by 100. Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture (ITA) initiative requirement for alignment of the EDINET, IFRS and US GAAP taxonomies.
perShareItemType REC The per share item type indicates a monetary amount divided by a number of shares. The per share item type has a Decimal base. Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture (ITA) initiative requirement for alignment of the EDINET, IFRS and US GAAP taxonomies.
areaItemType REC The area item type is used to indicate that an element represents an area. Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture (ITA) initiative requirement for alignment of the EDINET, IFRS and US GAAP taxonomies.
volumeItemType REC The Volume item type is used to indicate that an element represents a volume and can be used to express the volume of any substance, whether solid, liquid, or gas. Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture (ITA) initiative requirement for alignment of the EDINET, IFRS and US GAAP taxonomies.
massItemType REC The mass item type represents the mass of an object which can be measured. Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture (ITA) initiative requirement for alignment of the EDINET, IFRS and US GAAP taxonomies.
weightItemType REC The weight item type represents the weight of an object which can be measured. Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture (ITA) initiative requirement for alignment of the EDINET, IFRS and US GAAP taxonomies.
energyItemType REC The energy item type represents a unit of energy. Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture (ITA) initiative requirement for alignment of the EDINET, IFRS and US GAAP taxonomies.
powerItemType REC Measures a rate of energy use or energy production and is equivalent to the use or production of energy during a period of time. I.e. a watt is the equal to one joule of energy per second. Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture (ITA) initiative requirement for alignment of the EDINET, IFRS and US GAAP taxonomies.
lengthItemType REC The length item type is a measure of distance. Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture (ITA) initiative requirement for alignment of the EDINET, IFRS and US GAAP taxonomies.
memoryItemType REC The memory item type is a measure of memory typically used in the IT industry. Interoperable Taxonomy Architecture (ITA) initiative requirement for alignment of the EDINET, IFRS and US GAAP taxonomies.
noDecimalsMonetaryItemType PROPOSED The NoDecimalsMonetaryItemType is a restriction on the xbrli:monetaryItemType in that it does not allow cents on the monetary value. Facts using this type MUST have an (inferred) decimals attribute value that is less than or equal to zero. SBR-NL request for regulatory agencies which prohibit monetary cents to be reported.
nonNegativeMonetaryItemType PROPOSED The nonNegativeMonetaryItemType is a restriction on the xbrli:monetaryItemType in that it does not allow negative values on the monetary value. SBR-NL request for regulatory agencies which prohibit negative monetary values to be reported.
nonNegativeNoDecimalsMonetaryItemType PROPOSED The nonNegativeNoDecimalsMonetaryItemType is a restriction on the xbrli:monetaryItemType in that it does not allow cents or negative values on the monetary value. Facts using this type MUST have an (inferred) decimals attribute value that is less than or equal to zero. SBR-NL request for regulatory agencies which prohibit cents AND negative values to be reported.
insolationItemType PROPOSED The insolation item type is used to represent a measure of energy per area over a period of time. Insolation is used as a measure by the solar industry. Solar irradiance integrated over time is called solar irradiation, solar exposure or insolation.
temperatureItemType PROPOSED The temperature item type is used to represent a measure of temperature either in absolute terms or as a difference between two temperatures. These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
pressureItemType PROPOSED The pressure item type is used to represent a measure of the force applied perpendicular to the surface of an object per unit area over which that force is distributed. Units include Pascal, PSI and Bar. These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
frequencyItemType PROPOSED The frequency item type is used to represent a measure of the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time. These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
irradianceItemType PROPOSED The irradiance item type is used to represent a measure irradiance (power per unit area) These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
speedItemType PROPOSED The speed item type is used to represent a measure of speed (distance travelled by an object per unit time). Units include knots, mach, and metres per second. These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
planeAngleItemType PROPOSED The angle item type is used to represent the measurement of an angle. Units include radians, degrees and gradians. These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
voltageItemType PROPOSED The voltage item type is used to represent a measure of voltage (the difference in electric potential energy between two points per unit electric charge). These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
electricCurrentItemType PROPOSED The electric current item type is used to represent a measure of electric current (the flow of electric charge over a circuit). These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
forceItemType PROPOSED The force item type is used to represent a measure of a physical force. Units include newtons. These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
electricChargeItemType PROPOSED The electric charge item is used to represent a measure of electric charge (the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field) These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
guidanceItemType PROPOSED The purpose of the guidance item type is to identify "guidance items" which provide general guidance for users of a taxonomy, particularly preparers of XBRL reports. Guidance items are abstract elements positioned in appropriate locations in the presentation tree, and are intended to help users who view the taxonomy through displays based on the presentation tree. Guidance items provide general guidance which is not limited to the application of a specific tag to an individual item of data. This type is based on a custom type in use in the UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC) taxonomies.
noLangTokenItemType PROPOSED noLangTokenItemType is a derivation of tokenItemType and is used to denote values that should not have an associated language. This is typically used for values that are unique identifiers, rather than human-readable strings. Any in-scope xml:lang declaration is ignored for facts using this type. This item type is referenced by the XBRL Open Information Model to identify values to which the Language Core Aspect is not applicable.
noLangStringItemType PROPOSED noLangStringItemType is a derivation of stringItemType and is used to denote values that should not have an associated language. This is typically used for values that are unique identifiers, rather than human-readable strings. Any in-scope xml:lang declaration is ignored for facts using this type. This item type is referenced by the XBRL Open Information Model to identify values to which the Language Core Aspect is not applicable.
SQNameItemType PROPOSED SQNameItemType denotes values that are Simplified QNames, as defined in the Open Information Model (Common) specification. SQNames are very similar to QNames, and have the format "prefix:localname" but relax the restriction the format of the localpart to allow any non-whitespace characters. This allows SQNames to be used to concisely denote namespaced values where the localpart starts with a number. The prefix used in an SQName MUST correspond to a namespace prefix that is in scope at the point of use. This data type is required in order to validate and correctly process SQName values. As SQNames rely on the in-scope namespace prefixes, it is important that consuming software can unambiguously identify values that are SQNames.
gYearListItemType PROPOSED This datatype allows the reporting of a list of xsd:gYear values as a single value Financial reports may have a requirement to report a list of years as a single fact. For example, a preparer may need to disclose the list of tax years that are still subject to investigation.
flowItemType PROPOSED The flow item type is used to represent a measure of volumetric flow rate. These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
massFlowItemType PROPOSED The mass flow item type is used to represent a measure of mass flow rate. These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
monetaryPerLengthItemType PROPOSED The monetary per length item type is used to represent a measure of price or cost per unit length These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values that are expressed as a price per unit for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
monetaryPerAreaItemType PROPOSED The monetary per area item type is used to represent a measure of price or cost per unit area These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values that are expressed as a price per unit for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
monetaryPerVolumeItemType PROPOSED The monetary per volume item type is used to represent a measure of price or cost per unit volume These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values that are expressed as a price per unit for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
monetaryPerDurationItemType PROPOSED The monetary per duration item type is used to represent a measure of price or cost per unit duration These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values that are expressed as a price per unit for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
monetaryPerEnergyItemType PROPOSED The monetary per energy item type is used to represent a measure of price or cost per unit energy These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values that are expressed as a price per unit for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.
monetaryPerMassItemType PROPOSED The monetary per mass item type is used to represent a measure of price or cost per unit mass These types are required in order to enable validation and conversion of units (via the Unit Types Registry) for values that are expressed as a price per unit for various physical measures, and reflect industry-specific common practice.