XBRL International Call for Interest – Versioning Working Group


15 December 2006


This is a call to all those who are interested in participating in an XBRL International Working Group devoted to the topic of versioning of XBRL artefacts (instances and taxonomies) to make themselves and their interest known. If you are interested in participating, please send an e-mail to WGAdmin@xbrl.org indicating your interest. In particular, suitable volunteers to Chair the Working Group are being sought so if you are interested in doing so, please could you indicate that in your e-mail.


As you might be aware from previous announcements, the XBRL International Standards Board (XSB) has been assessing the various work streams that are being undertaken by the consortium and has determined that a number of Working Groups (WGs) should be formed.  Recently the topic of versioning has gained increased mindshare especially from XBRL implementations that are underway and indications are that there may be sufficient interest in the community to charter a Working Group.


The XBRL Versioning Working Group would be expected to deliver a standard approach to maintaining the information necessary to process and analyse XBRL artefacts that may be changed (i.e. “versioned”) over time.  What this approach should be is for the Working Group to decide, but possibilities range from a simple guidance document on use of existing technologies to the creation of a complete technical specification, conformance suite and reference implementation.


The XBRL Standards Board has set out certain minimum criteria that, it is believed, are necessary for a Working Group to function effectively, and these are documented in detail in the Consultation Draft of the Processes and Procedures document available at http://www.xbrl.org/XSB/ (login required). Essentially these require a minimum of 5 XBRL participants from at least 3 separate organisations to be prepared to commit to maintaining voting rights in the Working Group by regularly attending Working Group meetings and to actively contribute to the production of the work product.  Once there is sufficient interest declared such that it is believed that these criteria can be met, a formal “Call for Participation” will be issued.


Please note that membership of XII Working Groups is restricted to XBRL Participants (essentially employees of XBRL member organisations). If you are not eligible under this criterion then consider having your employer join your local jurisdiction of XBRL International or, if there is not a local jurisdiction, as a Direct Member (see www.xbrl.org/HowToJoin/  for more information).



Announced by:

Hugh Wallis

Standards Development – XBRL International


