XBRL US has published a final (2008) set of taxonomies that supersede the versions published in 2005 and 2006.

These taxonomies can be accessed via the links below:

XBRL US Accountants' Report Taxonomy 1.0
XBRL US Country Taxonomy 1.0
XBRL US Currency Taxonomy 1.0
XBRL US Document and Entity Information Taxonomy 1.0

XBRL US Exchange Taxonomy 1.0
XBRL US GAAP Taxonomy 1.0
XBRL US Management's Discussion and Analysis Taxonomy 1.0
XBRL US Management Report Taxonomy 1.0
XBRL US North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) Taxonomy 1.0
XBRL US SEC Certification Taxonomy 1.0
XBRL US Standardized Industrial Classification (SIC) Taxonomy 1.0
XBRL US State-Province Taxonomy 1.0