
The XBRL International staff support the day to day operations of the Corporation as a not-for-profit membership corporation under Delaware General Corporation Law.

You are welcome to call any time to discuss XBRL International with staff members:

Tel: +44 1865 959 199

Tel: +1 732 475 0380


John Turner, Chief Executive Officer, is responsible for enhancing the standards and supporting adoption of XII globally. Throughout his career he has been focussed on improving business reporting and analytics. He has been a leading member of the XBRL community since 2001 when it was founded. John holds a degree in IT and government and an LLB in Law from the University of Queensland, Australia.

PaulWarrenPaul Warren, Technical Director, is responsible for developing and maintaining the standard globally. He has been an active member of the XBRL community since 2002. A former chair of the XBRL Specification Working Group, Paul has worked on XBRL implementation projects around the world, and has over a decade of experience designing XBRL software. Paul also founded and runs a web hosting company and advisory services of XBRL reporting. Paul holds a degree in Physics from the University of Oxford and is based in Oxford, UK.

AngelaRoseAngela Rose, Operations Officer, is responsible for coordinating the technology developments, members and international conferences. She has worked with XBRL US since 2006 as a membership manager and later as Director of Taxonomy Management. She was excited to join the XBRL International team in 2011 in her new role which has evolved over the years and continues to be exciting and provide new challenges each and every day.  Angela holds a degree in Business Administration and Computer Science and is based in Michigan, USA.

Karine Winfield, Executive Assistant  to John Turner and also the staff liaison for the Best Practices Board, the Board of Directors and their sub-committees. She comes from an EA and corporate events background, having served in that role for several multinational organisations. A linguist, Karine speaks French, Spanish, and English fluently and attended the University of Toulouse. When not working, she can often be found running up on the Ridgeway in Oxfordshire where she is based.

Revathy Ramanan, Guidance Manager, works with the Best Practices Board and its Task Forces managing the development of guidance resources aimed at the reporting supply chain. She also supports XBRL International’s other operations and initiatives. Revathy has over a decade of experience working on XBRL projects, designing & developing XBRL taxonomies and implementing XBRL reporting platforms for regulators worldwide. Revathy holds a degree in Business Analytics, Management Accountancy and Commerce and is based in Mumbai, India.

Eloise Phipps, Digital Editor, is responsible for writing and producing the weekly XBRL International newsletter. With a background in science communication, she enjoys distilling each week’s news and helping to keep the XBRL community connected. Eloise holds a BA in Natural Sciences and an MPhil in Environment and Development from the University of Cambridge. She is based between Mexico City and Yorkshire, UK, and speaks both English and Spanish.




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