
The following people have passed the XBRL Foundation Certificate Exam

 Name Company Name City Country Exam Date
Mashael Al JasmiSecurities and Commodities AuthorityAbu Dhabi2013-03-24
Sushil Aryal2017-03-15
Ronald Johnson2019-04-13
Arturo Gil2019-04-25
Michael Willain2019-08-05
Carlos GutiƩrrezReporting Standard2019-05-21
Norihiro Eguchi2019-05-27
Karlien Conings2019-07-26
Virginia Peix2020-01-24
Mark Jauncey2020-01-27
Adison Aei2020-01-29
Sanjiv Mohan Singh2020-03-19
Sherif Mahmoud ElGamal2020-05-14
Benoit Berac2020-06-18
Daniel van den Ijssel2020-07-29
Ankita Gupta2020-07-29
Rosario Kumar Joseph Christy AntonyTask TechnologyMelbourneAustralia2012-07-19
Joseph NagyTask TechnologyEast MelbourneAustralia2012-08-29
Arnold SimsonIBMBartonAustralia2013-01-23
John McAlisterAustralian Tax OfficeJerrabomberraAustralia2013-03-28
Mayada HansnataAustralian National UniversityCookAustralia2013-05-31
Alastair ParkerAustralia SBRCanberraAustralia2013-12-10
Glenn RobertsAustralian taxation OfficeCanberraAustralia2014-01-13
Philip SchofieldAustralian SBRCanberraAustralia2014-01-23
Richard BrownAustralian Taxation OfficeCivic SquareAUSTRALIA2014-01-24
 Name Company Name City Country Exam Date

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