Dates in XBRL: achieving consistency in financial reporting.

Creating digital reports often involves making explicit certain information that legacy, analogue, reports leave implicit. While human readers can infer meaning from context and convention, XBRL requires data to be precise and unambiguous to ensure machines interpret it accurately.
One area where this becomes particularly important is in handling dates and time periods. Our latest blog post delves into this topic in detail, offering insights into how to make sure that the dates on your digital reports are clear.
While modern XBRL software automates much of this, it’s always good for reporting professionals to understand how these technical elements work behind the scenes. Our blog explains how dates and periods are handled across different XBRL formats, including Inline XBRL, xBRL-JSON, and xBRL-CSV, breaking it down with practical examples.
For a closer look at how XBRL handles dates and why it matters, read the full blog here.