More software certified for xBRL-JSON and xBRL-CSV

We are delighted to announce that software products from Reportix GmBH have gained XBRL Certified Software status for the xBRL-JSON and xBRL-CSV modules, indicating that they are able to handle these newer XBRL formats. Both validating processor CellFlow and review and consumption software CellStore have passed the necessary testing to be certified for the xBRL-JSON and xBRL-CSV specifications, giving them a ‘full house’ of certification for all modules.
XBRL Certified Software status is one essential consideration when selecting software. It means that a product has been tested by us at XBRL International and found to conform to current XBRL specifications – reflected in the different testing modules – ensuring that it is fully interoperable with other certified software (although we do not test for other aspects of software quality).
Find out more about certified software or how to certify your product here, or see a handy overview of certifications by module here.