XBRL Asia Roundtable open for registration

XBRL Asia Round Table is a digital reporting event for regulators and relevant professionals across Asia. The event, held in Tokyo, will help improve business reporting strategy and familiarise attendees with international best practices. Participants can engage with regulators implementing XBRL for their reporting processes and consult subject matter experts on various relevant issues.
The 12th XBRL Asia Roundtable, organised by XBRL International and hosted by ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) and XBRL Japan, is open for registration. The XBRL Asia Round Table will be in conjunction with ABMF, Asia-Pacific Financial Forum (APFF) and Asia Business Law Institute (ABLI) events (which participants are welcome to attend.
The schedule will cover the following topics:
- 24 July | How should Asia promote sustainable finance? ABMF & APFF event
- 25 July | XBRL Asia Round Table
- 26 July | ABMF updates
- 27 July | Digitalization in Asia: legal framework and Applications. ABMF & ABLI event
The event is free of charge, and will by hybrid, although in-person attendance is recommended to maximise information exchange.
Registration is by invitation. If you are interested in attending or finding out more, get in touch at art@xbrl.org.