Expanded Meaning for Accounting Taxonomies

The XBRL Standards Board has approved a number of additional entries to the Link Role Registry, designed to enhance XBRL accounting taxonomies. The new additions enable taxonomies to convey additional properties, or structured information, about the accounting meaning of concepts and dimensions in the taxonomy. For example, one of the new arcroles can be used to document one concept as accruing into another. Capturing the accounting semantics in a taxonomy can drive improvements in the quality and utility of XBRL reports, by assisting preparers with tag selection, and by enabling more sophisticated analysis of reported data. The new arcroles are currently at Candidate Recommendation (CR) status, and can be found in the Link Role Registry on our specifications site. There is also a requirements document which describes the purpose of each of the new arcroles in more detail.
Details are here. Feedback on the new arcroles is welcome, and can be sent here.