
Jordan Hosts Regulators

Posted on March 29, 2019 by Editor

XBRL International’s CEO John Turner was in Amman this week for the Arab Capital Markets Conference, talking to the region’s securities regulators and a host of leaders from the private sector about the challenges and opportunities that digitisation presents.

With countries across the Middle East and North Africa facing economic challenges, undoubted regional tensions and structural changes to energy markets, the relevance of public capital remains indisputable. The meeting looked at a range of issues associated with improving the operation of financial markets and regulation and the pressing need for new products and new technologies to help diversify and allocate capital.

There is wide recognition in the region that transparency and effective disclosure are one piece of that puzzle. To make digitisation in markets work, fundamental data in XBRL is an important part of the foundations for markets across the world. More on the conference here.

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