
XBRL International Board of Directors welcomes new member

Posted on May 28, 2021 by Editor

We are delighted to announce the election of Dr Maria Mora to XBRL International’s Board of Directors.

Maria brings a great wealth of expertise on XBRL and the digital transition. She currently works for Fujitsu Labs of Europe as international specialist on digital innovation within the regulatory industry, and has significant international experience leading and managing transformation projects in financial and sustainability regulatory reporting. She is a member of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) Project Task Force on preparatory work for the elaboration of possible EU non-financial reporting standards (PTF-NFRS) and the IFRS Consultative Group (ITCG), among her many other activities, and until February this year was Chair of the XBRL International Best Practices Board.

We are excited to welcome Maria to the Board of Directors, and look forward to the next phase of our work together.

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