
XBRL Roundtable as Part Of FRC’s Digital Future Project

Posted on July 14, 2017 by Editor

In May, the UK’s Financial Reporting Council (FRC) Lab released a report on the first phase of the Digital Future Project. This set out a framework which will be important to embed into any future system for digitally enabled reporting.

As part of the Lab’s Digital Future Project, a roundtable regarding XBRL will be held on the 19th of July. The goal will be to explore how XBRL and tagging more generally will support a digitally enabled future for corporate reporting.

As part of the roundtable, Ian Hicks from the XBRL Best Practices Board will lead a discussion on building relationships across the reporting ecosystem.

Find here the information regarding how to register and join in the event on the 19th of July at the FRC’s office in London (9:30-11:30)

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