OSCA switched off as Bank of England transitions to BEEDS

Over the past two years the Bank of England has been transforming the way it gathers regulatory and statistical reporting data, transitioning statistical data collection to XBRL. On 1 December this transition was completed with the final sunsetting of the prior Online Statistical Collection Application (OSCA) system.
The transition, which was phased in with issuers required to move to the Bank of England Electronic Data Submission (BEEDS) portal by September of this year, has meant a change of reporting format from XML to XBRL. The move has been accompanied by an XBRL taxonomy, published last year.
While no issuers should be taken by surprise by the shutdown of OSCA at this stage, we are pleased to mark this milestone in the Banks transition to more useful, standardised, digital reporting– and look forward to seeing XBRL facilitating more powerful statistical analysis in the near future.
Read more here.