Report Package Candidate Recommendation Released

The XBRL Standards Board this week approved a new draft specification on XBRL Report Packages for your feedback.
Report packages are specialised zip files containing a report in one of several XBRL formats, together with supporting files, including extension taxonomies. For certain Inline XBRL files, they also contain supporting formatting information, including cascading style sheets, (CSS), image files and fonts. They also contain a range of header information that provides machine readable metadata about the report.
The specification proposes the use of specialist file suffixes, replacing “.zip” with “.xbr” or “.xbri”, both as a way of recognising that the archive contains a particular kind of digital XBRL business report, and as a way to limit the risk that the contents of the package will be unintentionally modified.
This is a Candidate Recommendation, meaning that the working group and the XSB are of the view that it has sufficiently advanced that it is now time for software vendors to carry out their initial implementations.
Comments and implementations initially sought by 16 June 2023. You can find the specification here.