
Displaying 51 - 75 of 76



RAPORTADO is a solution that provides all the functions and services necessary to implement an XBRL-based business reporting system in an integrated manner with FUJITSU’s XBRL technologies and experience as its core.

  • Analytical Tools
  • Data Aggregation/Publishing
  • Filing Preparation
  • Instance Document Creation
  • Instance Document Validation
  • Instance Document Viewing
  • Quality Assurance



Altova RaptorXML Server is the third-generation, hyper-fast XML and XBRL processor from the makers of XMLSpy®. RaptorXML is built from the ground up to be optimized for the latest standards and parallel computing environments. Designed to be highly cross-platform capable, the engine takes advantage of today’s ubiquitous multi-CPU computers to deliver lightning fast processing of XBRL data.

  • Taxonomy Validation
  • XBRL Processors/Software Libraries

Reporting Standard XBRL


Company focused on providing only XBRL software solutions for all actors in the information supply chain. Taxonomy developers from simple Excel forms. Validation services including XBRL Specifications and your custom validation add ins. XBRL Storage in relational databases. Instance document generation mapping from multiple sources such as Excel and debuggers for formula processors.

  • Filing Preparation
  • Instance Document Creation
  • Instance Document Validation
  • Instance Document Viewing
  • Taxonomy Creation
  • Taxonomy Validation
  • Taxonomy Viewing
  • XBRL Processors/Software Libraries

Semansys xbrlOne Cloud


xbrlOne is a comprehensive (web) service platform that comprises of all functionalities to execute XBRL processing tasks. The xbrlOne services are provided as Software as a Service (SaaS). Also the software can be installed within the secure environment of a customer. Using xbrlOne via SaaS delivers XBRL capabilities to software applications and users without software investment and installation of applications on the individual servers or desktops.

  • CRD IV Reporting
  • Data Aggregation/Publishing
  • Filing Preparation
  • Instance Document Creation
  • Instance Document Validation
  • Instance Document Viewing
  • Quality Assurance
  • XBRL Collaboration Tools
  • XBRL Processors/Software Libraries

Semansys xbrlOne Control


Semansys xbrlControl is developed by the highly experienced XBRL development team of Semansys.

Any company can setup and maintain calculation models to create new results from the data in XBRL instance documents with Semansys xbrlControl.

Companies also can setup sophisticated assurance models in XBRL by using Semansys xbrlControl.

Define models and run the processes with Semansys xbrlControl.

Semansys xbrlControl allows the construction and definition of any needed audit and control model for internal and external auditors.

Using non-XBRL or external data is also possible with Semansys xbrlControl.

  • Instance Document Creation
  • Instance Document Validation
  • Quality Assurance
  • Taxonomy Creation
  • Taxonomy Validation



Sphinx® is a business and accounting rules creation language that can be used by auditors, regulators, analysts and business report preparers to enhance data quality and compliance. It was designed for the business expert, not IT experts and programmers. Sphinx can help with the development of quality rules to stop errors at source and identify data issues at an early stage.

  • Quality Assurance



SpiderMonkey® is an easy to use desktop tool that allows analysts and accountants to create, modify or extend taxonomies without needing to understand the specifics of XBRL.

  • Taxonomy Creation

Taxonomy development and data modelling


Enterprise and regulatory performance reporting calls for data models and taxonomies which often comprise thousands of concepts. Managing their development is a complex task which needs to combine technical ability with domain expertise. The right taxonomy development and data modelling tools will provide an environment that can make business experts productive without needing a lot of technical training.

  • Taxonomy Creation, Maintenance, Enhancement

Toppan Merrill


Built on the needs of today’s clients and the requirements of tomorrow’s, we deliver a proactive partnership rooted in deep market expertise, flexible solutions built around your business needs and a commitment to forward-thinking technology that ensures speed, precision and performance.

  • Filing in China
  • Filing in France
  • Filing in Germany
  • Filing in India
  • Filing in the US
  • Filing in the UK
  • Taxonomy Creation, Maintenance, Enhancement
  • Training
  • XBRL Consulting
  • XBRL GL Consulting

Toppan Merrill Bridge


Speed, Accuracy & Expertise.

A SaaS solution built on the Microsoft® Office® platform, Bridge integrates seamlessly and intuitively with the tools you already use, unlocking full control, collaboration and confidence to meet SEC and other global regulatory disclosure requirements. A truly hassle-free approach to financial content management and regulatory disclosure compliance. Count on Bridge to improve efficiencies, reduce risk and drive business success for SEC Regulatory Disclosures, Proxy Statements and Annual Reporting.

  • Analytical Tools
  • Filing Preparation
  • Instance Document Creation
  • Instance Document Validation
  • Instance Document Viewing
  • Quality Assurance
  • Taxonomy Creation
  • Taxonomy Validation
  • Taxonomy Viewing
  • XBRL Collaboration Tools
  • XBRL Processors/Software Libraries

True North


Designed for use by regulators and enterprise software developers, True North® is a robust, reliable XBRL validation and processing engine. The True North APIs are not only fault-tolerant, but also simple to understand and easy to use, allowing effortless retrieval of data.

  • Instance Document Validation
  • Taxonomy Validation
  • XBRL Processors/Software Libraries

True North Data Platform - Beacon application


Beacon makes it easy and convenient to view filings as the regulator sees them by applying the same XBRL technical standards that are used by the regulator for specific filing requirements. Filings are viewed according to the presentation specified by the regulator.

  • Instance Document Validation
  • Instance Document Viewing
  • Quality Assurance

True North Data Platform - Full Beam application


Full Beam rapidly analyses structured and unstructured information, facilitating intelligent searches across multiple sources and different forms of data.

  • Analytical Tools
  • Data Aggregation/Publishing
  • Instance Document Viewing

True North Data Platform - Seahorse application


Seahorse® is a SaaS-based XBRL and iXBRL production tool. It provides a fast, accurate way of generating the validated XBRL reports needed to fulfil statutory obligations under the current European mandates, including CRD IV, Solvency II, HMRC, Companies House and Revenue Ireland.

  • CRD IV Reporting
  • Filing Preparation
  • Instance Document Creation
  • Instance Document Validation

True North Data Platform - Taxonomy Management System application


CoreFiling’s Taxonomy Management System (TMS) streamlines the online development and maintenance of XBRL taxonomies. It delivers automated XBRL validation, multi-user reviewing and editing, and rapid publication of the completed taxonomy. The TMS can create Data Point Model and non-DPM taxonomies to meet specific business requirements.

  • Instance Document Creation
  • Instance Document Validation
  • Quality Assurance
  • Taxonomy Creation
  • Taxonomy Validation
  • Taxonomy Viewing
  • XBRL Collaboration Tools

UBPartner Consulting Services


UBPartner is one of the real experts in XBRL and provides a full suite of solutions and services. Our team is uniquely qualified to assist your organization in adopting and getting the most out of this powerful new technology standard. This kind of expertise goes beyond that of mere language knowledge; it is the cumulative experience of our team that clients can best benefit from our involvement in their project.

  • Taxonomy Creation, Maintenance, Enhancement
  • Training
  • XBRL Consulting
  • Other

Vizor Regulatory Software


Vizor Software specialises in regulatory software, with 35 solutions provided to financial regulators in more than 30 countries across five continents.Vizor Software is a comprehensive, robust software platform that supports the entire supervisory process for financial regulators. At a high level, Vizor Software enables the automation of three key supervisory processes:
• Collection, assessment and approval of Regulatory Transactions from Regulated Entities, including licensing and authorisations
• Collection, assessment and analysis of Regulatory Returns from Regulated Entities
• Collection, assessment and acting on the Risk Profile results of On-Site and Off-Site Supervision data in support of Risk Based Supervision

Accordingly, Vizor Software contains three core modules:
• Vizor Licensing and Regulatory Transactions
• Vizor Regulatory Returns
• Vizor Risk Based Supervision

  • Analytical Tools
  • CRD IV Reporting
  • Data Aggregation/Publishing
  • Filing Preparation
  • Taxonomy Creation
  • Taxonomy Validation
  • XBRL Collaboration Tools
  • XBRL Processors/Software Libraries



Wdesk is a cloud-based product platform that brings ease and control to compliance, management, risk, and sustainability reporting.

  • Analytical Tools
  • Filing Preparation
  • Instance Document Creation
  • Instance Document Validation
  • Instance Document Viewing
  • Quality Assurance
  • Taxonomy Creation
  • Taxonomy Validation
  • Taxonomy Viewing
  • XBRL Collaboration Tools
  • XBRL Processors/Software Libraries

X Service Testing

Description ,yes

  • Other

XBRL Processing Engine (XPE)


The UBPartner XBRL Processing Engine (XPE) is the leading platform for the development and deployment of XBRL-based applications. XPE is designed for high volume, large scale business processing but is sufficiently flexible to also be deployed on desktop environments. The engine provides both taxonomy and instance document validation services, can be used to transform data into a 100% compliant XBRL instance document and enables transformation of XBRL into other formats, such as Excel, CVS, XML or HTML.

The UBPartner XBRL Processing Engine (XPE) is the leading platform for the development and deployment of XBRL-based applications. XPE is designed for high volume, large scale business processing but is sufficiently flexible to also be deployed on desktop environments. The engine provides both taxonomy and instance document validation services, can be used to transform data into a 100% compliant XBRL instance document and enables transformation of XBRL into other formats, such as Excel, CVS, XML or HTML.

  • XBRL Processors/Software Libraries

XBRL Reporting Toolkit


The UBPartner XBRL Reporting Toolkit provides a simple approach to generating, validating and rendering XBRL documents. By using pre-mapped templates it removes the need for users to understand the XBRL syntax. Templates are currently available for banks and insurance companies that need to submit COREP, FINREP and Solvency II reports to European regulators. Others can be supplied on request. The flexible, yet powerful XBRL toolset also makes it easy for developers and software vendors to embed XBRL reporting capabilities into their applications without a major investment.

  • CRD IV Reporting
  • Filing Preparation
  • Instance Document Creation
  • Instance Document Validation
  • Instance Document Viewing

XBRL services


CoreFiling provide a range of professional services to ensure that our customers derive maximum benefit from our XBRL products and solutions. As well as supporting customers during the installation and integration of products into an existing or new infrastructure, we also provide detailed training and consultancy in addition to the essential ongoing maintenance and support of the software.

  • XBRL Consulting
  • Other

XBRL Taxonomy Tools


UBPartner offers a range of tools specifically built to help users design and test XBRL taxonomies, including a taxonomy generator which supports both ‘canonical’ and ‘data point approaches, a taxonomy explorer which allows users to analyse taxonomy; and an XBRL formula generator.

  • Taxonomy Creation
  • Taxonomy Validation
  • Taxonomy Viewing

XBRL training


Give your staff the knowledge they need to leverage XBRL with our comprehensive, flexible training courses delivered by industry experts.

  • Training

xbrlOne Data Editor


Turn any business report into an XBRL document with the unique solution of xbrlOne.

  • Instance Document Creation
  • Instance Document Validation
  • Instance Document Viewing
  • Taxonomy Creation
  • Taxonomy Validation
  • Taxonomy Viewing

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