European Annual Interstage XWand Users’ Meeting a Success. Contributed by Slawomir Skrzypek, Business Development Director – EMEA Center of Excellence for FUJITSU XBRL Solutions.
European Annual Interstage XWand Users’ Meeting a Success. Contributed by Slawomir Skrzypek, Business Development Director – EMEA Center of Excellence for FUJITSU XBRL Solutions.
XBRL International held a Member Assembly meeting yesterday, with reports on strategy, current goals, objectives and initiatives, technical developments in the XBRL 2.1 stack of specifications and the Open Information Model as well as enhancements to official Guidance. Want to know more about the next steps for the Open Information Model? Better still, would you […]
Contributed by Slawomir Skrzypek, Business Development Director EMEA Center of Excellence for FUJITSU XBRL solutions. Fujitsu, a Direct Member and Sustaining Partner of XBRL International, ran its 4th European Annual Interstage XWand Users’ Meeting in Malaga, Spain, on April 12th The meeting was attended by representatives of European National Competent Authorities (NCAs), Officially Appointed Mechanism (OAMs) filers/issuers, software vendors, and […]
Fujitsu, a Direct Member and Sustaining Partner of XBRL International, ran its 4th Annual European Interstage XWand Users’ Meeting on 12 April in Malaga, Spain. The meeting was attended by representatives of European National Competent Authorities (NCAs), Officially Appointed Mechanism (OAMs), filers/issuers, software vendors, and software integrators from over 20 countries.
Contributed by David North, Head of Software Engineering – CoreFiling ESMA’s ESEF mandate is coming, and companies affected will need a compliance solution in place by 2021. At CoreFiling, we’ve already demonstrated that two of the major apps on our XBRL Certified™ True North® data platform can be used for search (Full Beam) and review (Beacon) […]
Contributed by Slawomir Skrzypek, Business Development Director – Fujitsu EMEA Center of Excellence for Interstage XWand. Fujitsu, a Sustaining Partner of XBRL International, ran its 3rd Annual Interstage XWand Users’ Meeting on March 9th in Dubrovnik last week. The meeting was attended by representatives of regulators, filers, software vendors, and software integrators from over 20 countries. Attendees had a […]
CoreFiling has released Mandate Picker, a free tool on their website which allows regulated entities to determine which version and which entry point of a taxonomy is relevant. As Ben Russel from the firm points out, it isn’t always easy to work out this information from regulators’ websites. The tool initially covers a few regulatory regimes, […]
Guest Post from Hennie Viljoen, XBRL Project Manager at the CIPC At present the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission of South Africa (CIPC) receives all Annual Financial Statements (AFSs) in PDF format, which is obviously an unstructured format. This means analysis of AFS documents has to be done one-by-one by a human analyst. Humans have to […]
Contributed by Slawomir Skrzypek, Business Development Director for Fujitsu’s EMEA Center of Excellence for Interstage XWand. Fujitsu, a Direct Member and Sustaining Partner of XBRL International, ran its second Annual Interstage XWand Users’ Meeting on March 24th in Malta last week. The meeting was attended by representatives of European regulators, filers, software vendors, and software integrators from 19 countries. […]
With governments around the world forced to do more with less, and under constant pressure to reduce red tape, the number of countries considering SBR, or Standardised Business Reporting is on the rise, with Sweden and Finland just two of the more recent converts. In a new white paper from Fujitsu, the pros and cons […]