
Items tagged with "BIS"

With great power comes great responsibility! FSI research on expanding supervisory remits

Some of our readers may be interested in new research from the Financial Stability Institute (FSI) on the growing accountability regimes of banking supervisors.

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Central banks on CBDCs beyond borders

Will future central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) transcend national borders – potentially easing current frictions in cross-border payments – or are they likely to remain strictly local?

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BIS on regulating bigtechs

What new challenges emerge from bigtech participation in financial services, and how should policy makers and regulators tackle them? Those are the questions considered in a new brief from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Financial Stability institute (FSI), ‘Big techs in finance: regulatory approaches and policy options.’

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Central banks going in for big data in a big way

The BIS (Bank of International Settlements) has published a new report with the results of a 2020 survey on the use of big data by central banks.

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BIS Innovation Hub sets out work programme and launches Innovation Network

The Bank for International Settlements’ Innovation Hub (BISIH) has a new work programme for 2020/21, its second full year, aiming to foster international collaboration among central banks on innovative financial technology.

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BIS looks to the Future with Big Data Project

The rise of data and digitisation means changes are afoot in the financial system. But what will characterise the central bank of the future? Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), recently addressed how the BIS Innovation Hub is helping the bank tackle the big questions of our digital era.

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Are Central Banks Innovators? 

A recent speech by Benoît Cœuré, Head of the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub, at the World FinTech Festival, outlined the role central banks have to play in innovation.

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The Future of Fintech in Latin America

A recent Bank of International Settlements (BIS) paper takes a deep dive into the landscape, prospects and challenges of FinTech in Latin America, arguing that the continent is at the cusp of progress in this area.

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Global Crisis highlights failure to account for Global Risks

What do the coronavirus pandemic and climate breakdown have in common? They both present a huge threat to global financial stability, stemming from massive global negative externalities rooted in ecological change. They both entail dramatic economic, financial and social damage. And, despite continued warning of their certainty from scientists, we have failed to systematically consider […]

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Big Data for Central Banks

In the Bank of International Settlements’ (BIS) latest podcast Bruno Tissot, Head of Statistics and Research Support at BIS, discusses how we can best use big data, the opportunities and challenges it presents, and the policy issues it creates. Tissot likes to see big data as organic data as opposed to static data: static data is collected […]

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